32bit and 64bit builds included in installer
Includes Setup Wizard for easy setup
SNPP Support (Includes Delivery Notification), Secure Socket Connection Supported
SMPP Support (Includes Delivery Notification), Secure Socket Connection Supported
WCTP Support with SSLSupport (Includes Delivery Notification)
Advanced SNPP Sending Options (Includes Response)
SMS Messaging Via GSM SMS Compatible Mobile Phone
TAP Modem, Direct TAP, Tap Over IP
ETAP Support For Use With Short Messaging Services
ETAP Delivery Confirmation
ETAP Query, Update, Delete Requests
ETAP Deferred Messaging
E-Mail Paging (Windows Messaging, SMTP, MX Record Lookup), SSL/TLS Supported
Uses Windows Modem Drivers For Easy Setup
Multiple User/Groups Lists
Shared User/Group Lists
Build Groups On The Fly
Multiple Paging Company Support
Spell Check and Thusorous, additional Spell Check modules can be found here
Save Common Used Messages
Queue Messages For Delayed Delivery
Schedule Messages For Event Notifications
Multiple Dialing Location Supported
Send Message From The Command Line
Transmitting text messages to alphanumeric messaging devices, such as Cellular Phones, Pagers,
Personal Digital Assistants, and Laptops has emerged as an important new
technology since the 1990's. Air Messenger Pro not only sends, manages, and tracks
your wireless messages, but also integrates message scheduling, network
compatibility, group messaging, into one powerful and affordable messaging solution.
With Air Messenger Mobile for your wireless messaging solution, you will never miss
an appointment or important call again. With Air Messenger Mobile you have your
choice of using the application as a standard paging application or switch it to Client
Mode which then allows the Air Messenger Mobile application to communicate with the Air Messenger
LAN Server while your in the office. Whether you work in a small office or within a large distributed
organization, the flexibility and ease-of-use of Air Messenger Mobile is a must-have for any mobile
messaging needs.